Monday, June 22, 2009


I would like to start my first rant today, because I have noticed that in myself, as well as other teenagers, a complete and utter chemical imbalance, if I do say so myself. I am a supple young girl, fifteen years of age, and i would officially like to state that I am brain damaged as my mother likes to call it. Technically she's right, since i am a teenager my hormones and emotions have gone a little haywire, it's a proven fact that teenagers are not capable at this point in our development to act on rational thought. Although i like to pride myself on the ability to control most emotions i have to say every now and again I completely lose my mind.

example 1. Mom accuses me of stealing tweezers, i flip the hell out, she yells at me for flipping out, which makes me flip out further and punch a wall there by damaging my knuckles and leaving permanent scars...wanna guess who was right about the tweezers? I'll give you a hint, it wasn't me.

example 2. Boyfriend *Sam* and I are arguing, Sam brings up a friend girl that he KNOWS will make me mad, I start crying. I have cried for 3 reasons in my life time. Death, excruciating pain and Sam mentioning another girl. of these causes of tears does not belong...

All in all, I think that teenagers are psychotic and emotional.
The End.

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