Monday, June 22, 2009


I would like to start my first rant today, because I have noticed that in myself, as well as other teenagers, a complete and utter chemical imbalance, if I do say so myself. I am a supple young girl, fifteen years of age, and i would officially like to state that I am brain damaged as my mother likes to call it. Technically she's right, since i am a teenager my hormones and emotions have gone a little haywire, it's a proven fact that teenagers are not capable at this point in our development to act on rational thought. Although i like to pride myself on the ability to control most emotions i have to say every now and again I completely lose my mind.

example 1. Mom accuses me of stealing tweezers, i flip the hell out, she yells at me for flipping out, which makes me flip out further and punch a wall there by damaging my knuckles and leaving permanent scars...wanna guess who was right about the tweezers? I'll give you a hint, it wasn't me.

example 2. Boyfriend *Sam* and I are arguing, Sam brings up a friend girl that he KNOWS will make me mad, I start crying. I have cried for 3 reasons in my life time. Death, excruciating pain and Sam mentioning another girl. of these causes of tears does not belong...

All in all, I think that teenagers are psychotic and emotional.
The End.


Hey Guys! This is just some of my edited art and photography. I'm sure there will be more to come but since i am currently in need of a new camera chances are I won't be adding new photography for a while haha

Thursday, June 18, 2009

first post

Hey guys it's Bethany otherwise known as LC, or Bizkit but I'll be going as Bethany from here on out. I started this blog because i realized that on the blog I started with my friend Kj I was writing a lot more about music and politics than I was random things. Soooooooo I started this. I probably won't be writing in it much since I only write or blog when i'm inspired to do so. So I'll probably be posting a lot of my, or friends poetry and a lot of artist's song lyrics. I might have my friend Krystal write thing's occationally or have Sam *SC* help me with a video game section or just contributing to the music section *shrugs* idk we'll just have to see where it goes won't we? :)