Sunday, August 1, 2010

Rant No. Dos I'm going to rant, and to prepare you, here's a picture of a black guy and water balloons. Enjoy

Okay crazy bitch rant number 2. I should seriously just call this the "crazy bitch cafe" and once again it's about Sam. Really we get along most of the time but the times where we don't are the ones I write about. AND ONCE AGAIN IT'S ABOUT A GIRL. Do you see a pattern? Because I do. This is really the one place I can blow off steam because almost nobody reads this, and the one who does is my friend so I don't care. Okay, so it goes like this, my friend Rysa was asking if I wanted this giant Jack Sparrow poster * I am a huge johnny Depp fan*, I say no because I really don't have room, and sam says that he wants it. Okay, everything's fine and dandy, but THEN he goes and says "to bad it's not a Kira Knightly poster...mmm the things I would do to that..." I lose it then. And when I lose it I implode. I don't like people touching me, I don't talk, I don't make eye contact and I have this really nervous tick that involves me doing something repeatedly over and over... like obsessively scratching my arm or picking at my nails really quickly making clicking sounds. It's really odd, anyway, so he says that and I go into implosion mode, obviously. And he has the nerve to be mad at me for being pissed at him! I mean what the fuck? He doesn't even like when I mention that a guy was looking at me, MUCH LESS if I were to say that dude was hot and totally bangable. He does not understand why I was, "flipping out about him saying something about a cardboard cut out" how does he not understand that it's still an image of another girl and I don't like him saying shit like that. I have low self esteem already, how is that okay to say something like that to your girlfriend? THEN I talk to his friend Kyle who tells me that that's just how Sam is. So apparently he does it a lot more than I think. AWESOME. Yeah and I'm supposed 2 be okay with this and he can't figure out why I'm pissed. Sometimes I seriously wonder why I even put myself through this shit. It seems masochistic to me.

Sooooo.....fuck life.

The End